Die Warrumbungles sind lang erloschene Vulkane. Heute sind sie ein Zentrum der Astronomie in Australien. Überall stehen grössere und kleinere Teleskope in den Gärten. Wir haben Glück und können die letzte Führung für dieses Jahr mitmachen. Die Aussicht vom „Berg“ ist atemberaubend. Wir geniessen den Sternenhimmel, der hier ohne viel Fremdlicht, viel strahlender erscheint. Durch ein starkes Teleskop können wir vermeintlich einzelne Sterne sehen, die in Wirklichkeit aus drei oder mehreren Sternen bestehen. Wir bewundern unser Lieblingssternbild: das Southern Cross.Yowie, der Geist des Todes und das Southern Cross.
Biami, der mächtigste aller Geister, kam auf die Erde. Seine Zauberkraft war stärker als alle anderen. Er erschuf zwei Männer und eine Frau aus der roten Erde am Barwon River. Er lehrte sie, welche Pflanzen zu essen, um gesund zu bleiben. Als eine grosse Trockenheit das Land befiel, wurden diese Pflanzen sehr rar. Ein Mann und die Frau beschlossen ein Kangroo zu erlegen und Fleisch zu essen. Sie ermutigten den dritten Mann ebenfalls davon zu kosten, aber dieser blieb standhaft. Er wurde schwächer und schwächer und wanderte runter zum Land der schwarzen Erde. Die zwei anderen folgten ihm und fanden ihn als er unter einem grossen weissen Gumtree starb. Sie sahen wie Yowie, eine riesige schwarze Geistgestalt , den Mann hoch in die Mitte des Baumes hobe und dann den Baum, samt Mann in den Himmel hob, wo die Geister leben. Als aes Nacht wurde, konnten der Mann und die Frau den Baum nicht mehr sehen, dafür sahen sie 4 feurige Augen, diejenigen des ersten Menschen der starb und diejenigen von Yowie. Zwei weisse Cockatoos, die zuvor in dem Baum lebten wurden so erschreckt, dass sie ebenfalls zum Himmel flogen und nun die zwei Zeigersterne des Southern Cross wurden.
The Warrumbungles are a long extinct group of Vulcanoes. Today, they host a center of Australian Astronomy. You see larger and smaller telescopes everywhere, even in little front gardens. We were lucky and caught the last guided tour through its facility for the year. The view from the “mountain” is breathtaking. We enjoy the starry skies without any light pollution. Through very strong telescopes we can see stars, which look single, but really are made up of three or more stars. We admire our favourite constellation: the Southern Cross.
Yowie, the spirit of death, and the Southern Cross.
Biami was the greatest of all spirits. His magic was very strong and he came to the earth. He made two men and one women out of the red clay of the Barwon river bank. He showed them which plants they should eat in order to keep fit. After a prolonged draught, these plants became very rare. One of the men killed a kangaroo and he and the woman ate the flesh. The other man did not want to eat meat. He left them and wandered to land of the black earth. The man and the woman closely followed him. There, weak from hunger, the man died under a large white gumtree. The man and the woman saw a huge spirit figure raise him up and drop him into the tree crown. The tree was lifted from the earth and passed into the sky, where the sky spirits lived.
As night fell, the two companions could no longer see the tree, but four gleaming eyes. Two of he eyes were those of the first man to die and the two others belonged to the Yowie, the spirit of death.
Two white cockatoos who lived in the tree were so spooked, that they also flew into the sky. They became the two pointer stars of the Southern Cross.
Biami was the greatest of all spirits. His magic was very strong and he came to the earth. He made two men and one women out of the red clay of the Barwon river bank. He showed them which plants they should eat in order to keep fit. After a prolonged draught, these plants became very rare. One of the men killed a kangaroo and he and the woman ate the flesh. The other man did not want to eat meat. He left them and wandered to land of the black earth. The man and the woman closely followed him. There, weak from hunger, the man died under a large white gumtree. The man and the woman saw a huge spirit figure raise him up and drop him into the tree crown. The tree was lifted from the earth and passed into the sky, where the sky spirits lived.
As night fell, the two companions could no longer see the tree, but four gleaming eyes. Two of he eyes were those of the first man to die and the two others belonged to the Yowie, the spirit of death.
Two white cockatoos who lived in the tree were so spooked, that they also flew into the sky. They became the two pointer stars of the Southern Cross.