Wir wollten eben zum Farmers Market im nächsten Dorf aufbrechen, las ich eine Platten an unserem Landcruiser entdeckte. Der erste Plattfuss in unserer langen Auto Karriere. Wir hatten bis jetzt erst einmal einen platten Reifen und zwar an einer Harley, und auch das in Australien. Der Kontinent hat es in sich. Wahrscheinlich ist der Druck von Europa auf der gegenüber liegenden Seite der Welt zu fest. Was sollen wir nun tun? Der Markt schliesst am Mittag und wir wollen dort frühstücken. Schaffen wir das noch? Sollen wir die Roadassistance anrufen? Aber nein. Beat rollt die Ärmel auf und nimmt sich der Sache an. Mit viel Erfolg, wie die Bilder zeigen.A flat
No, not a flat white, as the call the milky coffee here, but the real thing. We just wanted to leave for the farmers market in the next village, when I spotted a flat tire on our Landcruiser. The first flat in our long car carrier! So far we have only had one flat, and this on a Harley and also in Australia. What is it with this continent that make the tires go flat? It’s probably the weight of all of Europe pressing on it from the opposite side of the world. What shall we do? The market closes at midday and we wanted to have breakfast there. Will we be in time? Should we call the Road Assistance? Nothing of the kind. Beat rolls u his sleeves and tackles the problem. With lots of success, as the pictures show.
No, not a flat white, as the call the milky coffee here, but the real thing. We just wanted to leave for the farmers market in the next village, when I spotted a flat tire on our Landcruiser. The first flat in our long car carrier! So far we have only had one flat, and this on a Harley and also in Australia. What is it with this continent that make the tires go flat? It’s probably the weight of all of Europe pressing on it from the opposite side of the world. What shall we do? The market closes at midday and we wanted to have breakfast there. Will we be in time? Should we call the Road Assistance? Nothing of the kind. Beat rolls u his sleeves and tackles the problem. With lots of success, as the pictures show.
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