Anfangs letzte Jahrhundert ist ein junger Spanier nach Australien gekommen um sein Glück zu machen. Nach harter Arbeit auf den Zuckerrohrplantagen wurde er gescheiter und begann Plantagen zu kaufen und verkaufen. Als er genug Geld hatte ging er zurück nach Spanien um seine Braut zu heiraten. Weil er jedoch während der letzten 11 Jahren nicht ein einziges Malgeschrieben hatte, war sie schon anderweitig vergeben. Er heiratete dann die jüngere Schwester und kam zurück nach Australien um sein Schloss zu bauen. Zuerst baute er ein Häuschen für seine wachsende Familie, dann begann er mit dem Schloss. Darin baute er einen grossen Ballsaal, den er als Festsaal, Theater und Kino für die Bevölkerung benutzte. Er pflanzte einen grossen romantischen Park mit Brunnen, kleinen Lustschlösschen und einem Tunnel in dem er Ausstellungen machen wollte. Er war voll davon überzeugt und baute das Kassenhäuschen zu erst. Der Tunnel war dann nicht ganz dicht und dient nun als Behausung für winzige Fledermäuse. Seine grösste Errungenschaft war jedoch, ein kleines Wasserkraftwerk das von einem Wasserfall auf seinem Land gespiesen wurde. Die Turbinen kamen aus Deutschland und nach einigen Reparaturen liefern sie noch heute den gesamten Strom für die Anlage. Er wohnte nie in seinem Schloss. Weil er dem Beton zu viel Sand beimischte, aus Spargründen, leckte das Schloss wie ein Sieb. Zwei tropische Cyclones trugen das ihrige bei zum Verfall und Schäden im Park. Trotzdem ist der Besuch des Peronella Park ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen. Seit einigen Jahren ist die Anlage in neuem Besitz und die Eintritte genügen heutzutage um den Park zu erhalten und auch teilweise zum Restaurieren.
The dream castle
Beginning last century, a young Spaniard emigrated to Australia to find his luck. After hard labour on the sugar cane plantations he became wiser and started to buy and sell plantations. Once he had enough money, he went back to Spain to get his fiancée. Unfortunately she was already married to another, most likely because he never even wrote one single letter in the past 11 years. The family was rather embarrassed and gave him the younger daughter of his former bride for a wife. Hey went back to Australia. First he built a little cottage for him and the family before he started on his castle. He did most of the work himself, and built a castle with a large ballroom, which he used as Theater, Cinema and Partyroom. He planted hundreds of trees and shrubs to build a romantic garden with fountains, grand views to his waterfall and a summerhouse. He even dug out a tunnel to one of the waterfalls and wanted to have some exhibitions in there. He was so convinced of his scheme, that he built the ticket booth first. Only, the tunnel leaked and so it is inhabited by a tiny bat. The biggest achievement of the Spaniard, however, was his Hydropower Plant which he built into the large waterfall which adjoins the castle. He got the turbine our of Germany and, after some renovations works, still supplies enough power to run the whole park, including caravan park, restaurant and fancy lighting during the evening show almost 100 years later. He never lived in his castle. Because he mixed too much sand into the cement, out of stinginess, the whole building leaks like a sieve. Two tropical cyclones added their part to the derelict state of the building and damages to the park. Nevertheless the visit to Peronella Park is special treat. Since some years it is owned by a family which cares again for the park and castle and the entry fees now cover the maintenance and some of the renovation costs.
Beginning last century, a young Spaniard emigrated to Australia to find his luck. After hard labour on the sugar cane plantations he became wiser and started to buy and sell plantations. Once he had enough money, he went back to Spain to get his fiancée. Unfortunately she was already married to another, most likely because he never even wrote one single letter in the past 11 years. The family was rather embarrassed and gave him the younger daughter of his former bride for a wife. Hey went back to Australia. First he built a little cottage for him and the family before he started on his castle. He did most of the work himself, and built a castle with a large ballroom, which he used as Theater, Cinema and Partyroom. He planted hundreds of trees and shrubs to build a romantic garden with fountains, grand views to his waterfall and a summerhouse. He even dug out a tunnel to one of the waterfalls and wanted to have some exhibitions in there. He was so convinced of his scheme, that he built the ticket booth first. Only, the tunnel leaked and so it is inhabited by a tiny bat. The biggest achievement of the Spaniard, however, was his Hydropower Plant which he built into the large waterfall which adjoins the castle. He got the turbine our of Germany and, after some renovations works, still supplies enough power to run the whole park, including caravan park, restaurant and fancy lighting during the evening show almost 100 years later. He never lived in his castle. Because he mixed too much sand into the cement, out of stinginess, the whole building leaks like a sieve. Two tropical cyclones added their part to the derelict state of the building and damages to the park. Nevertheless the visit to Peronella Park is special treat. Since some years it is owned by a family which cares again for the park and castle and the entry fees now cover the maintenance and some of the renovation costs.
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