Teil der Great Dividing Ranges, der langgezogenen Berg- und Hügelkette die an der Ostküste von Australien die Wasserscheide darstellt, ist vulkanischen Ursprungs. Frühe Forscher waren überrascht, dass die riesigen Wasserströme des Murray und Darling nicht nach Osten sondern Westen fliessen und diese Bergkette ist der Grund dafür. Die Vulkane waren vor ca. 300Mio Jahren aktiv und in Undara sind einzigartige Lavaröhren entstanden. Der letzte grosse Ausbruch vor ca. 120 Mio Jahren hat über 25 Jahre gedauert. Die glühende Magma ist schnell abgeflossen und die Oberfläche hat sich rasch abgekühlt. Im Inneren sind die heissen Massen Jahrelang weitergeflossen bis der Vulkan erloschen ist und die Röhren nicht mehr ganz füllen konnte. Diese Röhren sind teilweise eingebrochen, aber die restlichen sind zwischen ca. einem bis zu zehn- fünfzehn Metern hoch und etwa zwanzig Metern breit und begehbar. Die Röhren sind von Glühwürmchen und Fledermäusen und manchmal auch von Schlangen, bewohnt.
Bei der Anfahrt zu den Röhren ist uns ein kleines rotes Plateau ins Auge gefallen von wo man weit ins Land hinein sehen kann. Nach dem Besuch haben wir uns auf dem Plateau bei einer kleinen Feuerstelle niedergelassen und das Camping in freier Natur am Lagerfeuer, ohne Anzeichen von Zivilisation genossen. Der Sternenhimmel ohne störende Lichter ist einmalig.
Undara tubes
Part of the great dividing ranges, the long drawn hills and mountains which border the eat Coast of Austraila, are actually dividing two large watersystems, and has been built buy volcanic actions. Early explorers were surprised, that the large rivers of the Murray and Darling System did not end in the east, but flow to the south. These ranges are the reason for that. The Vulcanoes were most active about 300 Mio years ago and they have left the unique Undara lava tubes behind. The last big outbreak was about 120 Mio years ago and lasted for 25 years. The glowing hot Magma was flowing rapidly downhill and the surfaces cooled quickly forming tubes, while the magma continued to flow under the surface for many years until the volcano stopped spewing and the tubes were not filled anylonger. The tubes were about ten to 15 m high and just as wide. On a lot of places the tubes caved in, but were they still exist they are inhabited by little glow worms, bats and some snakes.
Part of the great dividing ranges, the long drawn hills and mountains which border the eat Coast of Austraila, are actually dividing two large watersystems, and has been built buy volcanic actions. Early explorers were surprised, that the large rivers of the Murray and Darling System did not end in the east, but flow to the south. These ranges are the reason for that. The Vulcanoes were most active about 300 Mio years ago and they have left the unique Undara lava tubes behind. The last big outbreak was about 120 Mio years ago and lasted for 25 years. The glowing hot Magma was flowing rapidly downhill and the surfaces cooled quickly forming tubes, while the magma continued to flow under the surface for many years until the volcano stopped spewing and the tubes were not filled anylonger. The tubes were about ten to 15 m high and just as wide. On a lot of places the tubes caved in, but were they still exist they are inhabited by little glow worms, bats and some snakes.
On our way to the tubes we spied a little red knoll, with a splendid view over the surrounding landscape. After our visit, we camped on that knoll near a fireplace and enjoyed the best of camping with a campfire but no other signs of civilisation. The sky was never more brilliant than that night, without any light pollution, quite spectacular.
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