Zu schön um wahr zu sein! Wir sind jetzt 6 Monate unterwegs und ausser 2 Platten ist bis jetzt alles gut gegangen. Wir hatten keinerlei Schwierigkeiten mit dem Einparken des Wohnwagens ohne Mover, wie Beat befürchtet hatte. Er hat das voll im Griff, rückwärts, vorwärts, rechts und links. Wir sind ausgezeichnet ohne Generator ausgekommen, es hat überall Elektrizität und unsere Batterien und Gas erlauben auch einige Tage freies Campieren. Eines Tages musste Murphys Law ja zuschlagen. Murphy tat dies in Emerald. Nach unserer sportlichen Bush Experience in der Carnarvon Gorge mussten wir uns wieder mit Nahrungsmitteln und Getränken für uns und unseren Troopy eindecken. Routine, wie immer? Murphy hat anderweitig entschieden. Ich schaute aus dem Fenster des Troopy und schrie: „Beat! HALT!!!“ und für einmal hat er sofort gehorcht. Die Tanksäule hat schon 10 l angezeigt bis wir gemerkt haben, dass heute Diesel nicht gelb, sondern schwarz angeschrieben war. Beat hat aus Versehen Benzin anstatt Diesel eingefüllt. Ich habe geflucht wie ein Fuhrmann. Ich kann euch versichern, da kommt was raus. Hoffentlich war niemand in der Nähe der Schweizerdeutsch versteht. Aber jetzt was tun? Nur ja nicht den Motor anstellen. Also hat die Tankwartin erstmals rote Plastikkegel hinter unseren Troopy gestellt und die Tanksäule blockiert. Und jetzt? Trotz hektischer Suche im Telephonbuch konnte sie die Nummer der Toyota Garage nicht eruieren. Es ist jetzt fast 5 Uhr und die Garage schliesst bald. Glücklicherweise ist sie nicht weit und so spurten wir los, nur um dort auf den Chef Mechaniker warten zu müssen. Der Troopy hat zwei Tanks, deshalb gibt er uns grünes Licht um mit dem zweiten Tank zur Garage zu fahren. Dort wird der verschmutzte Tank geleert, zwei neue Filter eingebaut und AUD 234 ärmer, sind wir eine Stunde später wieder im Camping. Ufffffhh, nochmals gut gegangen – Murphy, auf Nimmerwiedersehen!!!
Murphy’s law
Too good to be true! We are now 6 months on the road and except for 2 flats, everything went smoothly. We had no problems with parking our Caravan in the Campgrounds, despite not having an electric Mover installed. Beat elegantly backs the caravan in every space, no matter how small.His fears were quite unfounded. We so far never felt the need for a generator. All Campgrounds provide electric power and water. Our batteries and gas supply even allow us to camp free for a couple of days. So, i was just a matter of time until Murphy would hit us with his unswerving truth: “if anything can go wrong, it will! “ and he did it in Emerald, a mining town in the Outback. After our sporty experience in Carnarvon Gorge, we had to restock on victuals and diesel. Routine? Murphy decided otherwise. I happened to look out of the window of the troopy an yelled: “Beat STOPP!!” and for once he obeyed immediately. The pump window already showed 10 l until we noticed, that today, Diesel has not been marked with a yellow but a black nozzle and Beat took gas instead of diesel. I swore vey un-ladylike, I can, you know. My unconscious stores profanities like you would not believe. I just hope, nobody inthe vicinity understands swiss german. But now, what to do? Under no circumstances start the engine, so the attendant closed off our pump. It is almost 5 o’clock and the garages will soon close. We could not get a telephone number of the Toyota garage, they have changed their name to something very unlogic. Luckily it was not very far away, so we sprinted there. Only to have to wait for the return of the chief mechanic who was on a test drive. Luckily our Troopy has two tanks and he gave us green light to drive with the untainted one to the garage. After cleaning out the polluted tank, two filters and AUD 234 we arrived one hour later at the Camp Ground. Ufffffhhh just scraped the Iceberg, get lost Murphy!!
Too good to be true! We are now 6 months on the road and except for 2 flats, everything went smoothly. We had no problems with parking our Caravan in the Campgrounds, despite not having an electric Mover installed. Beat elegantly backs the caravan in every space, no matter how small.His fears were quite unfounded. We so far never felt the need for a generator. All Campgrounds provide electric power and water. Our batteries and gas supply even allow us to camp free for a couple of days. So, i was just a matter of time until Murphy would hit us with his unswerving truth: “if anything can go wrong, it will! “ and he did it in Emerald, a mining town in the Outback. After our sporty experience in Carnarvon Gorge, we had to restock on victuals and diesel. Routine? Murphy decided otherwise. I happened to look out of the window of the troopy an yelled: “Beat STOPP!!” and for once he obeyed immediately. The pump window already showed 10 l until we noticed, that today, Diesel has not been marked with a yellow but a black nozzle and Beat took gas instead of diesel. I swore vey un-ladylike, I can, you know. My unconscious stores profanities like you would not believe. I just hope, nobody inthe vicinity understands swiss german. But now, what to do? Under no circumstances start the engine, so the attendant closed off our pump. It is almost 5 o’clock and the garages will soon close. We could not get a telephone number of the Toyota garage, they have changed their name to something very unlogic. Luckily it was not very far away, so we sprinted there. Only to have to wait for the return of the chief mechanic who was on a test drive. Luckily our Troopy has two tanks and he gave us green light to drive with the untainted one to the garage. After cleaning out the polluted tank, two filters and AUD 234 we arrived one hour later at the Camp Ground. Ufffffhhh just scraped the Iceberg, get lost Murphy!!
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